The insurance sector is facing an uncertain, unstable and highly complex economic compounded by major regulatory changes and strong competition

Likewise the emergence of customers new needs and new technologies are challenges for the insurance players.

We assist Insurance companies from the definition of their corporate strategy to the operational implementation of target solutions, covering the entire value chain.

Our Insurance market knowledge and technical expertise in a wide range of services allow us deliver client service excellence in a seamless way: from  Risk Management to  business development & multi-channel distribution, but also operational performance and IT related projects.

Risk Management’ challenges

Accompany Consulting supports majors market players on regulatory evolution (ex. Tunisian directive, CGA 01/2016) to reinforce good Governance, through levers such as Risk Management

Risk Governance’ Diagnosis  (underwriting, market, reinsurance, operational, liquidity, etc.)

Reform the Risk Governance (risk charter, action plan, etc.)

Control risks by nature (from mapping to monitoring)

Strengthening Compliance function

Our Consulting Services

Clients Case Studies

objectif Objective

Operational Risks’ Mapping of all the company processes and definition of an action plan on major Risks

travaux Phases of work

1. Elaboration of the Operational Risks’ Mapping covering all core business (life & non-life) and support processes

2. Defintion of target action plan split in 3 axes : process, organization and information systems

success Achievement

Operational Risks’ Mapping and target action plan validated by the TOP management

objectif Objective

Assistance across the transformation of an insurance company and the reform of its insurance information system.

travaux Phases of work

1. Project Steering & Management (PMO)

2. Management of the « Non-Life » project (Motor,P & C, Transport, Technical Risks, underwriting, management, claims, reporting, network, third parties, accounting…)

3. Assistance within data Migration and Reliability project

4. Steering project and assistance within tests on Pass_Insurance (functional, migration, integration, UAT)

5. Training & Change Management

success Achievement

The information system covering all Motor’business processes was implemented strating from in June 2015

objectif Objective

As part of its commitment to separate its life and non-life activities (to anticipate regulatory requirements), an Insurance company has previously wished to prepare a study on spin-off’ scenarios  and their impacts.

travaux Phases of work

1. Desk review on the regulatory environment

2. The determination of subsidiarising scenarios and related impacts

3. Recommendations rearding the optimum mounting

success Achievement

Scenarios approved by the Insurance company and initiation of the separation project  (life and non-life activities)

objectif Objective

Diagnosis of existing documentation and assistance in the preparation of the Group’s consolidated financial statements

travaux Phases of work

1. Review of the scope of consolidation

2. Review of major consolidation difficulties

3. Revision of accounts justification, analysis contirbution statements regarding  companies within the consolidation scope (equity and consolidated results)

4. Elaboration of the consolidated financial statements

5. Presentation of consolidated financial statements to the Board of Directors

success Achievement

Consolidated financial statements validated by the Board of Directors


Najd Hili / Partner

  +216 58 482 901